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Acquiring a company

Match Plan assisted Batenburg Beheer with the acquisition of Dekker van Geest.

Match Plan assisted the listed Batenburg Beheer with the acquisition of Dekker van Geest.

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Batenburg Beheer

Batenburg Beheer is a technical service provider, active in the field of installation technology and technical trade. The Batenburg Groep consists of twelve operating operating companies located in the Netherlands and Belgium, with about 950 employees.


Dekker van Geest

Batenburg Beheer acquires Dekker van Geest Installaties, a mechanical installation company. Dekker van Geest has a turnover of € 11 million and is a valuable addition to the activities of Batenburg Beheer. Given the size of the company, Dekker van Geest will become an independent operating company within the Batenburg Beheer Groep. The current director of Dekker van Geest Installaties stay on after the takeover.

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Match Plan

Match Plan’s involvement with Batenburg is special. After Match Plan sold the company Daelman Systems to Batenburg in 2007, Match Plan was later asked by Batenburg to assist them in this acquisition.

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